Ain't I a Woman

Ain't I a Woman
Pearl of Great Price


October 2013 Creative Dare

Let it go!  I always hear this sentiment in art world and in church world.  As a drama teacher, I am always telling my students to "be in the moment".  Personally, I strive to live according to this advice.  This month Tracy challenged us to create a piece journaling about what we will let go.  Here is what I came up with:

I know the picture is horrible. 

In the moment by Tina Riley
I will live life in the moment
I am very unique
like the petals on the flower
When I walk, I am like poetry in motion
My gratitude rises like a song of praise
I plan to sing it for all of my days
I am so glad that Jesus lifted me
My life is full of calm and storm,
but God guides me through all situations
All my trials will soon be over
Until then....
I will live life in the moment

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you come again soon.

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