Ain't I a Woman

Ain't I a Woman
Pearl of Great Price


Write the vision! Read the vision! Run with the vision! Habakkuk 2:2

Dream Catcher by Tina Riley copyright 1998

I wish you could have been there, that 28th day of August back in '63
What a wonder my ears heard and my eyes did see
I know you think that all we ever did was march and sing
But something was awakened in me by the words of  Dr. King
"I have a dream" is simply what the reverend said
The picture he painted still echoes in my head
He talked about Lincoln and how he worked to set the slaves free
And it holds true today- that many still have not tasted the fruit of liberty
He recited part of America's founding creeds
He invited those mere words to manifest as deeds
What Dr. King did was challenge us all
I felt like I had to do something- I had to answer the call
Now I had felt this way before- every Sunday when I heard my own reverend preach
And I'd leave the service with a burning fire- determined my goal to reach
But before long the flame would fizzle and die
Most times before I could even begin to try

We all are guilty: We say that we are going to get involved
Then on March 1st all the excitement has dissolved

But the battle remains before us and it must be fought
Not necessarily with our fists, but by changing our thoughts
Back then "Non-Violence" was our war cry
But deep inside I know I must be willing to die
If freedom is ever going to ring
We as Christians must begin to live the words that we sing
Perhaps you're wondering "what can I do to change this world I'm in?"
We must stomp out all forms of injustice, hatred and sin
I've even questioned how this could be done
For I am no army- I'm only one
But I've learned that one impregnated with the word of truth
Is all it takes for society's shackles to be loosed
Perhaps I won't even live to see the battle won
But I've decided to spread the good news of God and his only Son
God sent Jesus to set ALL captives free
Not just those who were born with skin like me
There are chains greater than racism that can't even be seen
All I want- is to see those demons of oppression fleeing
The only way to change a nation
Is to offer it God's plan of salvation

We must still work to change rules, regulations, and laws
But political victories won't free the world - so don't be in awe
In order to change the wicked nature of men you must first change his heart
This can only be done if JESUS plays a part

So, what happens now- I mean to the dream
The saints must join together as one unified team
No one is exempt- so do whatever you are able
No excuses- just bring your strengths to the brotherhood table
Whatever you do don't just sit and wait
Pray, fast, study, plan, organize...JUST GO! Before it's to late


  1. Amen and amen!
    Beautiful, Tina! Thank you so much for sharing this! :o)

  2. That is BEAUTIFUL! Your talent knows no limt....


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