Ain't I a Woman

Ain't I a Woman
Pearl of Great Price


Scripture Challenge 2010: Word # 1 HOPE

Just like the song lyrics, my hope is truly built on Jesus blood and righteousness. Some Christians are not comfortable using the word hope because they are so afraid that people will take it to mean what the world has defined. Society's use of the word hope seems to be based on not knowing. However, with God, we know His character. More than a simple wish there is some assurance behind the Christian kind of hope. Together faith and hope gives us the assurance that God will give us just what we need. God is sovereign! Hebrews 11:1 says: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. To me that means that I own the deed to God's promises. God will always supply results according to his character. I choose to have Godly hope, for what is seemingly impossible for the world is possible with God. I expect the impossible! For me, the impossible IS my reality.

1 comment:

  1. I love how creative you were with the lettering here Tina! Great job!...Nancy :o)


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