Ain't I a Woman

Ain't I a Woman
Pearl of Great Price


Master of many...

All my life, I heard that if you do many different things then you cannot possibly do any one thing well. I believed this sentiment at one time. I learned to focus on one thing at a time. When it was time to move my business from teaching only things related to drama (voice, movement, costume design, storytelling etc.) to teaching several different creative subjects (cooking, sewing, writing, scrapbooking, jewelry making etc.); I was filled with much doubt. I had the phrase "jack of all trades, master of none" playing in my head. The saying became a part of my inner critic. I was extreme and mostly only did one thing at a time. There was no balance and very little confidence that I could be successful at several things. I was led to the passage of scripture in Exodus 35:30-35 and boy did reading that correct my stinking thinking.

Now, I had read this passage many times before, you know, when we do our 'read the bible in a year' assignments. However, this time the LORD had something else in store for me. As I worked through the book entitled 'The Creative Call" by Janice Elsheimer; I completed an exercise that propmted me to ponder on the fact that the early artists in the bible were specifically called by name.

God says: "All who are skilled among you are to come and make everything the LORD has commanded." Exodus 35:10 I wonder...does God think that I am skilled? Later in Exodus 35:30-31 Moses says: "...the LORD has called by name Bezaleel...and hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship." You mean not only did God call Bezaleel by name, but he was also given the skill to do many different crafts. He was skilled enough to be entrusted to work on the storage place for the Word of God, the Ten Commandments. WOW! And futhermore Bezaleel taught what he knew to others. Ahhh haaa moment! I am a teacher. It brings me joy to 'pass on' to others what I know.

OK...redeem the time LORD, since I now believe that it is ok to do more than one thing at a time. Sure, be focused on the task in front of you, but do not be limited. That false teaching has kept many of us immobile and afraid to step out on faith. It has stolen our confidence and dreams. Whenever I need to trust God and move into unfamiliar territority, I try to remember: God gave me gifts, He has called me by name to use those gifts to bring Him glory. God has entrusted me to be the master of many trades. My heavenly father is and always will be the Master of all trades. He is truly Adonai-LORD and master!
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